check my answers?

1. What is the difference between Darwin's theory of evolution and Lamarck's theory of evolution?
A)Darwin believed that organisms changed gradually over time, but Lamarck thought they changed suddenly.
B)Lamarck believed that organisms could acquire characteristics during their lifetime that they could pass down to their offspring, but Darwin did not believe these traits could be passed down.
C)Darwin believed that species are still changing, but Lamarck believed they had stopped.
D)Lamarck blieved that evolution occurred randomly, but Darwin thought it was the result of a predetermined plan.

2. Why do scientists accept Darwin's theory of evolution instead of Lamarck's theory?
A)Scientists accept Darwin's theory of evolution because Lamarck's theory has been disproven.
B)Scientsits accept Darwin's theory of evolution because they don't have a better one.
C)Scientists accept Darwin's theory of evolution because there is ample evidence to support it.
D)Scientists accept Darwin's theory of evolution because he published more papers than Lamarck did on the subject.

3. Under which of the following circumstances would natural selection not operate on an organism?
A)If there is no difference in fitness between individuals in a population, then natural selection will not operate.
B)If an individual in a population has not adapted, then natural selection will not operate.
C)If more individuals are born than can survive, then natural selection will not operate.
D)If there is no reason for a species to evolve, then natural selection will not operate.

4. Which of the following observations helped Darwin develop his theory of natural selection?
A)Darwin's observation that kangaroos did not live in England helped him develop his theory of natural selection.
B)Darwin's observation that light-colored moths got eaten more often than dark-colored moths after the Industrial Revolution helped him develop his theory of natural selection.
C)Darwin's observation that the modern-day armadillo resembled the extinct glyptodont helped him develop his theory of natural selection.
D)Darwin's observation that humans could influence the traits expressed in the offspring of livestock and crops helped him develop his theory of natural selection.

5. Which of the following explains why a tree is often used as a model to represent the principle of common descent?
A)When the relationships between species are mapped out, the adaptations of individuals look like leaves on a tree.
B)When the relationships between species are mapped out, the straight line that is formed resesmbles the trunk of a tree.
C)When the relationships between species are mapped out, branches spread out from a common trunk, resembling a tree.
D)When the relationships between species are mapped out, modern day species make up the roots of a tree.

My Answers: A, A, D, C, C.

10 answers

Did you find out the correct answers?!
5. is A. Change of an organism's characteristics that increase survival in a habitat
So is wrong, it's C. The answer's is correct
100% as of writing this
All except for #5 is correct
Lil.Mama is correct 5/5
I am fr, Ms. Sue has died from brain cancer on November 8, 2019... R.I.P., Ms.Sue, I miss her.
She is a retired teacher, she and writeacher, and bobpursly, they are all retired. please don't be mean to a dead person. that's straight sins.
I'm not a bot
i spent hours of my time here copying and pasting.
lol your dream friend be weird