Check a school or public library or a nearby bookstore for a collection of jokes and humorous stories. How many stereotypes of minorities are in such books? What roles do humorous images of minority groups play in our perceptions and thinking? Why are stereotypes difficult to eradicate once they have been established? Be sure to give examples;

I saw several jokes, stories with prejudice situations any help on this please..

1 answer

folks are comfortable thinking they, and the values they represent are a deviant to that is wrong, stupid, and unworthy. These ideas persist because we are comfortable with them.
It is not just jokes. It is a complete set of values associated with races, religions, ages, genders.

This is so evident to me listening to the criticism of the current President coming from the Right, it is racism in its finest hour. I agree with President Carter, there is a widespread belief that no negro can be fit to run the country. Yes, it is difficult to eradicate. I remember the term "stinking thinking", and what an effort it was to remove it from our motivational set, but it is also difficult to eliminate from society. Especially when pundits and entertainers use it as daily fodder.