One group that seems to be the main focus of Chaucer's criticism in "The Canterbury Tales" is the clergy. Chaucer portrays several clergy members in a negative light, suggesting corruption and hypocrisy within the church.
Example 1: The Pardoner (Clergy)
Chaucer's portrayal of the Pardoner is highly critical. The Pardoner, who is responsible for granting pardons and selling indulgences, is described as having a voice "as small as has a goat," which is an unflattering physical portrayal. Chaucer also highlights the Pardoner's deceitful nature, as he carries fake relics and preaches purely for personal gain, aiming to swindle people out of their money. Chaucer's tone towards the Pardoner is one of scorn and disdain, revealing his criticism of the corrupt practices of the clergy at the time.
Example 2: The Friar (Clergy)
Another clergy member receiving criticism is the Friar. Chaucer describes the Friar as a cunning character who uses his charm to profit from the wealthy. Chaucer points out that instead of focusing on his religious duties, the Friar spends his time socializing with the affluent and collecting donations. The Friar's lack of dedication to his priestly duties and his materialistic tendencies are depicted as signs of his corrupt nature. This portrayal reveals Chaucer's skepticism towards the moral integrity of certain members of the clergy.
In both examples above, Chaucer's critical descriptions and satirical tone emphasize his skepticism of the clergy's motivations, highlighting the corruption and hypocrisy that he perceived within the church and its representatives.
Chaucer's opinion of the pilgrims is shown through his descriptions of those characters and their tales. Is there a group or social class that seems to be the main focus of his criticism? Give at least two examples of characters in that group or class and how the reader knows that Chaucer is critical of them. (Full credit answers will need to include the class or group, two examples of pilgrims, and the details that tell you Chaucer's opinion.)
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