Character Name: Nancy Hart

Where are they from?

When were they alive?

What were they known for?

Accessories (describe at least two accessories your funko pop would come with)
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1 answer

1. Nancy Hart is from Franklin County, Georgia, United States.
2. She lived during the American Revolutionary War, from the 18th century.
3. Nancy Hart was known for her courage, intelligence, and her involvement in the American Revolution. She played a significant role as a spy and scout for the Patriots, providing crucial intel to aid the American cause.
4. Accessories:
- Revolutionary War Spy Gear: Nancy Hart's funko pop would come with miniature spy gear, such as a tiny spyglass, a spy kit with invisible ink and code-breaking tools, reflecting her role as a spy during the American Revolution.
- American Flag: Since Nancy Hart was fiercely patriotic, her funko pop would also include a miniature American flag accessory, symbolizing her devotion to the Patriot cause.