. Chapter 30 The Second World War Question MC #42 (Points: 2)

The use of atomic bombs against Japan had what significance?

1. They rendered the entire island of Honshu inhabitable for twenty-three years.

2. They prevented the Soviets from entering the war in Asia.

3. They shocked Germany into surrendering before facing the same fate.

4. They allowed the Americans to avoid an amphibious invasion of Japan.

5. They killed the Japanese emperor and paved the way for surrender.

I feel like the question is not worded right :S

If it is talking about US then 3 would be the answer..
and if not then then 2 would be the answer

2 answers

Neither is correct. Germany surrendered in May, 1945; the atom bombs were dropped on Japan in August, 1945.

Please rethink these answers.
It would be 4 then? Because 5 never happened..

Amphibious invasion of japan is ground fighting.