To convert the decimal 0.1213 to a fraction, we recognize that it has four decimal places. This means we can express it as:
\[ 0.1213 = \frac{1213}{10,000} \]
So, the correct response is:
1213 over 10,000
1213 over 10,000
1213 over 999
1 and 213 over 1,000
12 and 13 over 10
This decimal is Irrational and cannot be written as a fraction
1 answer
To convert the decimal 0.1213 to a fraction, we recognize that it has four decimal places. This means we can express it as:
\[ 0.1213 = \frac{1213}{10,000} \]
So, the correct response is:
1213 over 10,000