To convert the decimals to fractions:
For the decimal 0.1213:
This decimal can be expressed as a fraction by noting that it has four decimal places. Therefore, we can convert it as follows:
\[ 0.1213 = \frac{1213}{10000} \]
So the correct response is: 1213/10,000
For the repeating decimal 0.123123123...:
This can be expressed as: Let \( x = 0.123123123...\)
To eliminate the repeating part, we can multiply by 1000 (since there are three digits in the repeating cycle): \[ 1000x = 123.123123123... \] Then, we can subtract the original \( x \): \[ 1000x - x = 123.123123123... - 0.123123123... \] This simplifies to: \[ 999x = 123 \] Now, solving for \( x \): \[ x = \frac{123}{999} \]
So the correct response is: 123/999
Thus, the correct answers are:
- For 0.1213: 1213/10,000
- For 0.123123123...: 123/999