One of the main independent variables used in this study is the level of awareness and training of law enforcement officers regarding sex trafficking. This variable is operationalized through a survey administered to law enforcement agencies in the Midwest United States.
The survey includes questions about the type and frequency of training received by officers on sex trafficking, as well as their familiarity with relevant laws and policies. It measures the level of awareness by asking respondents to rate their knowledge and understanding of various aspects of sex trafficking, such as identifying victims and perpetrators, understanding the dynamics of exploitation, and recognizing indicators of trafficking. It also asks about the availability and access to resources and support for conducting investigations and prosecutions related to sex trafficking cases. The survey collects data on the level of training in terms of the number of hours spent on training, the topics covered, and whether officers perceive the training to be sufficient.
By collecting data on the level of awareness and training of law enforcement officers, the study aims to understand the relationship between this independent variable and the challenges in identifying and prosecuting sex trafficking cases in the Midwest United States.
Challenges to Identifying and Prosecuting Sex Trafficking Cases in the Midwest United States
Andrea J. Nichols and Erin C. Heil
What is one of the main independent variables used in this study ? And describe how it is operationalized
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