Cause: The Law of April 6, 1830 is passed to cut off the flow of Anglo-American settlers into Texas.
Effect: The Law of April 6, 1830, eliminated the exemptions Texian settlers had from paying Mexican taxes.
Cause: The Mexican government commissions General Mier y Terán to investigate the situation in Texas.
Effect: The Mier y Terán Report is sent to the Mexican government.
Cause: William B. Travis is arrested by the Mexican commander at Anahuac for protesting against the raising of taxes and seizure of slaves.
Effect: William B. Travis' arrest sparks tensions and discontent among Texians towards Mexican authority, further fueling desires for independence.
Cause: Haden Edwards leads a revolt to declare a Republic of Fredonia in East Texas.
Effect: The revolt is quickly suppressed by Mexican authorities, but it signals growing discontent and aspirations for independence among Texian settlers.
Cause: The Law of April 6, 1830 is passed to cut off the flow of Anglo-American settlers into Texas.
Effect: The Law of April 6, 1830, eliminated the exemptions Texian settlers had from paying Mexican taxes.
Cause: The Mexican government commissions General Mier y Terán to investigate the situation in Texas.
Effect: The Mier y Terán Report is sent to the Mexican government.
Cause: William B. Travis is arrested by the Mexican commander at Anahuac for protesting against the raising of taxes and seizure of slaves.
Effect: Haden Edwards leads a revolt to declare a Republic of Fredonia in East Texas.
Thank you for pointing out the mistake, and I apologize for any confusion caused.
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