Job titles (if listed)
Skills needed and/or description of the job
Physician, Nurse Practitioner, Genetic Counselor, Biomedical Engineer
Knowledge of new pharmaceuticals, technology, and methods, ability to work on a healthcare team, understanding of genetic information and counseling, expertise in designing and developing medical equipment
Teacher, Education Technologist, Online Instructor
Ability to adapt to new technologies and learning methods, expertise in interactive and customizable e-books, familiarity with online teaching platforms, understanding of gaming dynamics in education
Neuro-science and mind control
Neuroscientist, Brain Mapping Specialist, Thought-Controlled Technology Developer
Experience with brain-mapping technology, knowledge of neuroscience and genetics, expertise in developing thought-controlled devices
Geneticist, Bioinformatician, Genetic Counselor
Understanding of human genome and DNA, ability to analyze and interpret genetic data, knowledge of bioinformatics and ethical considerations in genetics
Biometric Engineer, Security Analyst, Biometric Systems Researcher
Proficiency in developing and implementing biometric systems, understanding of security and access control technologies, expertise in computer engineering
Hydroponics & Skyscraper farming
Plant Scientist, Horticulturist, Vertical Farm Designer
Knowledge of hydroponics and plant physiology, expertise in sustainable farming practices, ability to design and operate vertical farm facilities
Green careers
Sustainability Manager, Renewable Energy Specialist, Environmental Engineer
Understanding of environmental issues and resource conservation, expertise in developing green technologies and processes, knowledge of biofuels and renewable energy sources
Nanotechnologist, Materials Scientist, Nanorobot Developer
Proficiency in designing and building nanoscale machines, knowledge of nanomaterials and their applications, expertise in fields like medicine, agriculture, and manufacturing
Astronaut, Space Engineer, Space Tourism Specialist
Ability to work in zero-gravity environments, knowledge of aerospace engineering and space technologies, expertise in maintaining space vehicles and equipment
Digital Media
Digital Designer, Multimedia Specialist, Virtual Reality Developer
Proficiency in creating digital content for multiple platforms, understanding of interactive media and virtual reality technologies, expertise in digital book design and development.
Which of the jobs from Blooket or from the assignment would you be interested in?
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Did you pick the job because it interests you or because it may pay well?
What do you think the salary for that job is?
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5 answers
I already know that Genetic Counselors work with individuals and families to help them understand and cope with genetic disorders, provide information on genetic testing, and offer support and guidance.
I am interested in this job because it combines my passion for genetics and helping people.
I believe the salary for a Genetic Counselor can vary depending on location and experience, but on average, it can range from $60,000 to $90,000 per year.
Based on a search in Chicago, the starting salary for a Genetic Counselor is around $70,000 per year.
Some websites that could be used to find out more about the job of Genetic Counselor are:
1. National Society of Genetic Counselors (NSGC) -
2. American Board of Genetic Counseling (ABGC) -
3. Bureau of Labor Statistics - Occupational Outlook Handbook for Genetic Counselors -
I am interested in the job of Biomedical Engineer.
I already know that Biomedical Engineers design and develop medical equipment, such as artificial organs, prostheses, and medical imaging devices, as well as work on creating new pharmaceuticals and researching new technologies to advance healthcare.
I am interested in this job because it combines my passion for technology and healthcare.
I believe the salary for a Biomedical Engineer can vary depending on location and experience, but on average, it can range from $60,000 to $100,000 per year.
Based on a search in Chicago, the starting salary for a Biomedical Engineer is around $70,000 per year.
Some websites that could be used to find out more about the job of Biomedical Engineer are:
1. Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) -
2. Society of Women Engineers (SWE) -
3. Bureau of Labor Statistics - Occupational Outlook Handbook for Biomedical Engineers -
I am interested in the job of Virtual Reality Developer.
I already know that Virtual Reality Developers create immersive digital experiences using virtual reality (VR) technology, such as games, training simulations, educational tools, and virtual tours.
I am interested in this job because I am passionate about technology and innovation, especially in the field of virtual reality.
I believe the salary for a Virtual Reality Developer can vary depending on location and experience, but on average, it can range from $50,000 to $120,000 per year.
Based on a search in Chicago, the starting salary for a Virtual Reality Developer is around $70,000 per year.
Some websites that could be used to find out more about the job of Virtual Reality Developer are:
1. VR Developer Society -
2. Unity Virtual Reality Development -
3. Association for Virtual Reality in Education -