castaway_id full_name total_days_played

0 55 Rob Mariano 131
1 197 Parvati Shallow 130
2 201 Oscar Lusth 128
3 179 Cirie Fields 121
4 112 Sandra Diaz-Twine 110
this should be the answer please for Who played the most total number of days of Survivor? If a contestant appeared on more than one season, you would add their total days for each season together. Save the top five contestants in terms of total days played as a DataFrame and call it Q7, sorted in descending order by total days played.

The following columns should be included: castaway_id, full_name, and total_days_played where total_days_played is the sum of all days a contestant played. The index should go from 0 to n-1.

Note: Be careful because on some seasons, the contestant was allowed to come back into the game after being voted off. Take a look at Season 23's contestant Oscar Lusth in the castaways DataFrame as an example. He was voted out 7th and then returned to the game. He was then voted out 9th and returned to the game a second time. He was then voted out 17th the final time. Be aware of this in your calculations and make sure you are counting the days according to the last time they were voted off or won.
provide python code

1 answer

import pandas as pd

# Create a DataFrame with the given data
data = {'castaway_id': [55, 197, 201, 179, 112],
'full_name': ['Rob Mariano', 'Parvati Shallow', 'Oscar Lusth', 'Cirie Fields', 'Sandra Diaz-Twine'],
'total_days_played': [131, 130, 128, 121, 110]}

Q7 = pd.DataFrame(data)
Q7 = Q7.sort_values(by='total_days_played', ascending=False).reset_index(drop=True)
