Cassandra is giving a class presentation that involves a demonstration where she sprinkles some glitter into a small shallow dish of water and circularly swirls the water around with her finger. When she removes her finger, she asks her classmates to notice how the glitter moves around like a whirlpool, spiraling around the spot where she had removed your finger. What is Cassandra modeling with this demonstration? how two galaxies collide how the Milky Way galaxy appears how the arms in a galaxy interact how the nuclear bulge of a galaxy moves
1 answer
Cassandra is modeling how the arms in a galaxy interact. By creating a swirl in the water with her finger and observing how the glitter reacts and spirals around the center, she is showing how the arms in a galaxy can interact and create movement within the system. This demonstration helps to visually explain how gravitational forces and momentum play a role in shaping the structure of galaxies.