Case Study: You are a dietician. You are a friend of Mitch’s family and have been asked to help develop a nutrition and exercise plan for Mitch. Mitch is a 67 year old male that has been gaining weight over the last three years. He is 5’11’ and weighed 165 lbs three years ago. He has put on 35 pounds. Mitch has lived alone for 6 years now. Six years ago, he used to take walks with friends regardless of the weather. He also bowled once a week and played shuffleboard twice a week. He used to go to the recreation center every Saturday and swim for an hour. Mitch has quit all of these activities and doesn’t like to be told he needs to be more active. Mitch is also a smoker and likes to drink alcohol. He has smoked two packs of cigarettes a day for 30 years. He also doesn’t miss a meal and eats more now that he doesn’t exercise. His favorite foods include fried chicken, hamburgers, meatloaf and breads. He normally has a piece of fruit with breakfast and some form of potatoes with each meal. Mitch’s mother lived until she was 92 and her death was attributed to old age. His dad died at 81 and had a history of diabetes.
· Develop a realistic nutrition and exercise plan for Mitch in a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper. Use insights from the MyPyramid Plan Web exercise, the Recommended Dietary Allowances, Recommended Dietary Intakes for his age group and gender, and information from readings. The plan must be plausible enough to be initiated within the constraints of the nursing home environment.
2 answers
What is he doing in a nursing home at the age of 67?
b/c he wasn't taking care of himself on his own and he has no other family