Case Study: Chris took the Learning Styles Quiz and found out he is an auditory learner. This makes sense to Chris because when he reads, he does not retain much information. He is very frustrated by this situation and tells people how much he hates reading.
1. Identify strategies that he could use as an auditory learner that would assist him with retaining the information he reads and explain to him ways that this class addresses his needs.
2. Also think about Chris’s comment that he hates to read? Do you feel that this is an accurate comment about his feelings?
3. How does not feeling comfortable with reading, math, science, or any other subject affect how we feel about giving that subject another try?
4. How can learning styles help us give subjects such as reading another try?
5. How might using the strategies in the reading and in the text for understanding vocabulary words help Chris with his reading?
6. Identify one strategy from the text for vocabulary development and explain in a 5-7 sentence paragraph how this strategy would work well for you when reading.
2 answers
There are some EXCELLENT ideas on this webpage, both for recognizing and for helping people with different predominant learning styles.
Kinesthetic is at the top; scroll down for Auditory and Visual.