Carrying capacity is the maximum population size the environment can sustain without damage. How does this relate to the scarcity of resources, competition, and survival of organisms? In three to five sentences, connect the terms. (4 points)
12 answers
i can post my answer after i finish
ok done! ima post the answers for the entire test for the fun of it number 12 is super long but :
1. Bird A survives; both birds B and C die.
2. Grasshoppers
3. migrate
4. More seedlings survive to maturity.
5. The ray population increased.
6. humans
7. fossil fuel burning.
8. invasive species.
9. algae
10. The sea ice melts before the chicks are ready to swim.
11.Burmese python numbers increased, and mammal populations decreased.
12. Carrying capacity is the maximum population size the environment can sustain without damage. This information relates to the scarcity of resources because if they had decided not to bring back wolves to Yellowstone, the trees would have for sure been destroyed because of the elk and beavers using (and in the elks case eating) them.And for how it relates to the competition, it does because if there were more wolves than elk then the wolves would wipe out the elk population and if there were an excessive number of elk (and little to no wolves to handle them) then the trees would be wiped out so there would have to be a stable number of each to maintain a balance.And for survival just like I mentioned earlier in order for each species to survive the needs to be a balance because of how the system goes: The elk eat the trees keeping the tree population from growing to big, the wolves eat the elk keeping the elk population from growing to big, and humans keep track of the wolves to make sure that the wolves' population does not grow too big. but if something in this cycle were to be off like to say there are too many wolves then the wolves would eat up the elk which means that Yellowstone would be overrun by plants and trees because there are no elk to eat it.
13. a claim I could make is that bats use echolocation to navigate and find prey/insects and some ways I can provide evidence for my claim is by going to multiple websites made by specialists who are researching this subject (so I know that I have the correct information). I can use the data that those trusted websites have as evidence for my claim.
these are the answers to what you did with them... take it or leave it IDC 😁 ✌🏼 p.s please change the word up or else you won't get full credit. (a good site I use is changes the words up for you, and you can even edit what it gives you to make it sound like something you would type.)
1. Bird A survives; both birds B and C die.
2. Grasshoppers
3. migrate
4. More seedlings survive to maturity.
5. The ray population increased.
6. humans
7. fossil fuel burning.
8. invasive species.
9. algae
10. The sea ice melts before the chicks are ready to swim.
11.Burmese python numbers increased, and mammal populations decreased.
12. Carrying capacity is the maximum population size the environment can sustain without damage. This information relates to the scarcity of resources because if they had decided not to bring back wolves to Yellowstone, the trees would have for sure been destroyed because of the elk and beavers using (and in the elks case eating) them.And for how it relates to the competition, it does because if there were more wolves than elk then the wolves would wipe out the elk population and if there were an excessive number of elk (and little to no wolves to handle them) then the trees would be wiped out so there would have to be a stable number of each to maintain a balance.And for survival just like I mentioned earlier in order for each species to survive the needs to be a balance because of how the system goes: The elk eat the trees keeping the tree population from growing to big, the wolves eat the elk keeping the elk population from growing to big, and humans keep track of the wolves to make sure that the wolves' population does not grow too big. but if something in this cycle were to be off like to say there are too many wolves then the wolves would eat up the elk which means that Yellowstone would be overrun by plants and trees because there are no elk to eat it.
13. a claim I could make is that bats use echolocation to navigate and find prey/insects and some ways I can provide evidence for my claim is by going to multiple websites made by specialists who are researching this subject (so I know that I have the correct information). I can use the data that those trusted websites have as evidence for my claim.
these are the answers to what you did with them... take it or leave it IDC 😁 ✌🏼 p.s please change the word up or else you won't get full credit. (a good site I use is changes the words up for you, and you can even edit what it gives you to make it sound like something you would type.)
also this is not biology its just normal science
I used the paragraph for #13 and changed it on it made it sound like I wrote it, and then all I had to do was change the subject.
oh yeah and thx I check the rest of my answers with yours
@Person, did you get caught for using the same example such as Yellowstone Park? I'm not sure if it was included in the lesson material or not because I forgot to take notes and skimmed through most of it lol.
Honor code broken lol
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