Video chatting with their instructor would be most appropriate in the following scenarios:
To introduce themselves to the instructor at the start of a new course: This is a good opportunity for students to make a personal connection and provide a face to the name, which is especially important in an online learning environment.
After contacting the instructor in another way to schedule the call: It's essential to respect the instructor's time and preferences. By scheduling the call first, students can ensure that the instructor is available and prepared to engage in a discussion.
To raise questions about assignments and exams that would be in the course: If students have specific concerns or need clarifications that are best communicated verbally, a video chat would allow for a more interactive and thorough discussion.
The scenario where students would video chat when they forget where to find an assignment or the discussion forum might not be as appropriate. For such inquiries, email or the course's communication platform would typically suffice, as these questions can usually be resolved without the need for a video call.