If each dog eats 1/3 of a pound of food, then 13 dogs would eat 13 * (1/3) = 13/3 pounds of food.
To find out how much dog food would be left, we need to subtract the amount eaten by the dogs from the initial amount of 25 pounds.
The difference is 25 - 13/3 = 75/3 - 13/3 = (75 - 13)/3 = 62/3 pounds of dog food left.
This is equivalent to 20 2/3 pounds of dog food left.
* Carla and Diane have started a pet sitting company. They have a 25 pound bag of food. There are 13 dogs. If each dog eats 1/3 of a pound, how much dog food would be left? Make sure your answer is clear is it 20 pounds 20 2/3 21 pounds of 21 2/3
1 answer