Carefully consider the following questions (be sure to jot down some talking points to guide your recorded response):

How do you define your “culture”? (Your religion, nationality, race, etc.)
How does this culture influence your health beliefs, practices, and behaviors in both supportive and challenging ways? Give specific examples.
What roles do your parents, grandparents, and other family members play in promoting a healthy family? Things to think about: Does your family sit down to eat meals together very often or quite rarely? Does your family prefer to cook at home together or go out to eat? What types of foods does your family eat?
How does your family influence your physical and emotional health in both positive and negative ways? Give specific examples. Things to think about: How does your family feel about sports? Exercise? What about mental health? Is that topic discussed or off-limits?
How do your peers influence your physical and emotional health in both positive and negative ways? Give specific examples.

1 answer

1. Definition of culture: My culture is influenced by my nationality, which is American, and my religion, which is Christianity. My culture emphasizes the importance of family, community, hard work, and faith.

2. Influence on health beliefs, practices, and behaviors: My culture promotes healthy practices such as regular exercise, eating homemade meals, and seeking support from family and faith communities during times of illness. However, there can be challenges when cultural beliefs conflict with modern medicine or when unhealthy habits are normalized within the community.

3. Family roles in promoting health: My family plays a significant role in promoting a healthy lifestyle. We often sit down to eat meals together, cook at home, and prioritize nutritious foods. My parents and grandparents have instilled the value of physical activity and mental well-being in our family.

4. Family influence on physical and emotional health: My family positively influences my physical health by encouraging regular exercise and providing wholesome meals. However, there can be negative influences such as stress from family dynamics or unhealthy behaviors that are passed down through generations.

5. Influence of peers on health: Peers can positively impact my physical health by encouraging healthy habits such as exercise and balanced nutrition. However, negative influences from peer pressure or unhealthy behaviors among friends can also impact my emotional and physical well-being. It is important to surround myself with peers who support my overall health and well-being.