The first number is
one hundred five thousand, two hundred nineteen. Is that closer to one hundred thousand, or two hundred thousand?
The second, seventeen million, three hundred forty thousand, two hundred six.
Is that closer to seventeen million three hundred thousand, or seventeen million four hundred thousand?
You have to look at the digit involved, and sometimes it is easier to read the number to get the right digit.
can't remember how to round off numbers such as 105,219 to the nearest place value.105,219 is supposed to be rounded off to the nearest hundred thousand. 17,340,206 is supposed to be rounded off to the nearest hundred thousand place value and so on. would appreciate your help. THANKS!
4 answers
Find the hundred thousands place. Going from the decimal to the left. The 9 is the units place, the 1 is the tens place, the 2 is the hundreds place, the 5 is the thousands place, the 0 is the ten thousands place and the 1 is the hundred thousands place. So the left most 1 is the number to be rounded. Look at the number to the right of the 1, it is a zero. That is less than 5 so you don't change the 1 and the number becomes 100,000. Some may prefer to write it in exponential form as 1 x 10^5. Check my work.
what is 3 in the 5 place and 3 in the 10 thousonds place and a 8 in the hundreds place
it is between 1 and 2 million.the first three digit are the same.the least possible digit is in the thousands place.the greatest possible digit is in the ones place.the hundreds digit is 1 more than the tens digit.the sum of the digits is 21.