Cant get my message dialog box to display anbody see waht wrong with it? The message box is located in my if then else statement
Dim total As Integer = 0
Dim gradeCounter As Integer = 0
Dim grade As Integer = 0
Dim average As Double = 0
' sum grades in ListBox
' read grade from ListBox
grade = gradesListBoxItemsItem(gradeCounter)
total += grade ' add grade to total
gradeCounter += 1 ' increment counter
Loop Until gradeCounter = gradesListBoxItemsCount()
average = total / gradesListBoxItemsCount() ' calculate average
averageResultLabel.Text = String.Format("{0:F}", average)
addButtonEnabled = True ' enable Add Grade Button
gradeTextBoxFocus() ' reset focus to Enter grade: TextBox
If (gradeCounter = " ") Then
MessageBoxShow( _
"There are not any grades entered", _
"Average can not be divided by zero", MessageBoxButtonsOK, _
End If
2 answers
If(gradeCounter = 0)...