Canadian geese migrate essentially along a north-south direction for well over a thousand kilometers in some cases, traveling at speeds up to about 100 km/h. If one such bird is flying at 100 km/h relative to the air, but there is a 38.0km/h wind blowing from west to east.

a) At what angle relative to the north-south direction should this bird head so that it will be traveling directly southward relative to the ground?
bHow long will it take the bird to cover a ground distance of 600km from north to south? (Note: Even on cloudy nights, many birds can navigate using the earth's magnetic field to fix the north-south direction.)

1 answer

a. Tan A = Y/X = -100/38 = -2.63158
A = -69.2o = 69.2o S of E=20.8o E of
The bird must head 20.8o W of S.

b. d = V*t = 600 km
100t = 600
t = 6 h.