Canada was part of the British Commonwealth and felt an obligation to help Britain fight against Germany. The Parliament and Canadian citizens felt that if Britain were destroyed, then their trade and alliance with Britain would also be destroyed.
canada was no longer under the influence of britain. when britain declared war on germany, canada dint have to since germany did not threaten them in any way. why dd they declare war on germany on sept 10?
2 answers
Canadians, with the exception of most Quebecoise, feel a stronger bond and loyalty to Britain and the UK than does the United States. In 1939, when they declared war on Germany, the King (George VI) was still the constitutional monarch of Canada, and Canada was considered a "Dominion" of the British Empire and Commonwealth, with certain of its laws subject to review by Britain under terms of the British North America Act, a relationship which was changed when Canada got it own constitution "patriated" in 1982. Canada did not have to declare war in 1939. They chose to.