can you write this again but using this grading rubric for full points as a 4 paragraph essay

Insufficient Evidence
Draft #1

O Begins with a compelling introduction or lead.
O Includes a THESIS STATEMENT at the end of the first paragraph.
O Rephrases and answers the question in the prompt including supporting ideas.
O Begins with a lead
O Rephrases and answers the prompt, but does not include supporting ideas.
O Lacking a lead to begin essay
O Attempts to include a thesis statement, but may not be relevant or on topic.
O Attempts to rephrase and answer the prompt, but is not on topic and/or relevant.
O Lacking a lead
O Does not have a thesis statement
O Does not rephrase and/or answer the prompt



O TDA follows a strong organizational structure and focuses on the task with logically grouped and related ideas, including an effective introduction, development, and conclusion

O Appropriate organizational structure and focus on the task with logically grouped and related ideas, including a clear introduction, development, and conclusion
O Weak organizational structure and focus on the task with ineffectively grouped ideas, including a weak introduction, development, and/or conclusion
O Minimal evidence of an organizational structure and focus on the task with arbitrarily grouped ideas that may or may not include an introduction, development, and/or conclusion



O Contains at least 2-3 relevant, direct quotations from the passage (Cite text evidence) and an explanation for each piece of evidence in each body paragraph)
O Contains at least 1 relevant, direct quotation from the passage with a clear explanation for the evidence.
O A clear attempt at citing evidence from the text, but lacks a connection to the TDA and/or an explanation of the evidence used.
O There is no attempt to use direct quotations from the text and/or an explanation to connect the text to the prompt



Analyzing Text
O Explains the evidence; thorough explanation of cited evidence and why that evidence supports your thesis (answer).

O There was an attempt to explain the evidence used, but there was nothing to tie the evidence back to the thesis.
O There seems to be an explanation, however, it is too vague or is simply a summary of the evidence used.
O There is no explanation of the evidence used



Summarizing Text
O Summarizes main ideas; extends beyond a restatement of introduction.

O There is a summary, however, it is simply restating the introduction.

O There is an attempt at a summary, however, it does not sum up the paper because it introduces new ideas or is off topic.
O There is no summary of the text.



Total ____/20

20 = 100
19 = 95
18 = 90
17 = 85
16 = 80
15 = 75
14 = 70
13 = 65
12 = 60
11 = 55
10 = 50

1 answer


In order to receive full points in this category, the essay should begin with a compelling introduction that hooks the reader in. It must also include a clear thesis statement at the end of the first paragraph, rephrasing and answering the question provided in the prompt with supporting ideas.


A full points essay in this category would have a strong organizational structure that focuses on the task at hand. This includes logically grouped and related ideas, along with an effective introduction, development, and conclusion.


For full points in this category, the essay should contain at least 2-3 relevant, direct quotations from the provided passage, with a clear explanation for each piece of evidence in each body paragraph.

Analyzing Text:

To score full points in this section, the essay needs to thoroughly explain the evidence provided and why that evidence supports the thesis or answer to the prompt. It is not enough just to include evidence, it must be analyzed and connected back to the main argument of the essay.

Summarizing Text:

The final paragraph of the essay should summarize the main ideas from the text, extending beyond a mere restatement of the introduction. It should tie together all the evidence and analysis from the body paragraphs to provide a cohesive conclusion.

Overall, in order to receive full points on this grading rubric, the essay should have a strong introduction with a clear thesis statement and supporting ideas, a well-organized structure with logically grouped ideas, relevant evidence with thorough analysis, and a conclusion that summarizes the main ideas of the text. Each paragraph should flow seamlessly into the next, creating a cohesive and well-argued essay that effectively answers the prompt.