Can you write the story Goldilocks and the Three Bears using NMMs and body shifts, classifiers in ASL, the NMMs ( non manual markers ) should look like

He looks up and is surprised.
LOOK UP (CL: V –Up) (NMM: eyebrows up and surprised)
The goat walks to the well and asks “What’re you doing?”
GOAT WALKS (CL: bent-2) WELL ASKS DO WHAT? (NMM: WH? - eyebrows furrowed)

1 answer

Once upon a time, there were three bears who lived in a cozy cottage in the woods. One sunny morning, they decided to go for a walk while their porridge cooled down.

As the bears strolled through the forest, they left their front door wide open. Just then, a mischievous little girl named Goldilocks spotted the inviting cottage. She couldn't resist the temptation to see what was inside.

Goldilocks tiptoed into the house and saw three bowls of porridge on the table. She tried the first bowl and exclaimed, "THIS (CL: flat hand - touch chin) TOO HOT!" Her face scrunched up as she blew on the porridge to cool it down.

Next, Goldilocks tasted the porridge in the second bowl. She frowned and signed, "THIS (CL: flat hand - touch chest) TOO COLD!" She shivered and rubbed her arms to warm up.

Finally, Goldilocks took a spoonful from the third bowl. A smile brightened her face as she signed, "THIS (CL: flat hand - touch cheek) JUST RIGHT!" She eagerly devoured the delicious porridge.

After satisfying her hunger, Goldilocks noticed three chairs in the cottage. She sat on the first chair and signed, "THIS (CL: flat hand - touch forehead) TOO HIGH!" She gestured with her hand to show the chair was too tall for her.

Then, Goldilocks settled onto the second chair. With a sigh, she signed, "THIS (CL: flat hand - touch hip) TOO LOW!" She crouched down slightly to indicate the chair was too short for her.

Finally, Goldilocks tried the third chair. She smiled and signed, "THIS (CL: flat hand - touch chin) JUST RIGHT!" She sat comfortably and swayed slightly in the chair.

Feeling a little sleepy, Goldilocks went upstairs to find a bed. She saw three beds lined up in the bedroom and climbed onto the first one. Immediately, she signed, "THIS (CL: flat hand - touch shoulder) TOO HARD!" She patted the bed to indicate its firmness.

Then, Goldilocks hopped onto the second bed. She frowned and signed, "THIS (CL: flat hand - touch forehead) TOO SOFT!" She sank her hand into the fluffy mattress to show how it was too squishy.

Finally, Goldilocks tried the third bed. A look of contentment washed over her face as she signed, "THIS (CL: flat hand - touch chest) JUST RIGHT!" She curled up and hugged the cozy pillow, drifting off into a peaceful slumber.

While Goldilocks was fast asleep, the three bears returned from their walk. Papa Bear looked up and was surprised to see the open door. Mama Bear walked to the well and asked, "WHAT?" (NMM: eyebrows furrowed) She wanted to know what was happening.

Baby Bear tugged on Mama Bear's arm and signed, "GOLDILOCKS COME. EAT PORRIDGE. BREAK CHAIRS. SLEEP BED." (NMM: eyebrows raised) Baby Bear explained everything that had happened.

The bears cautiously entered the cottage and confirmed Baby Bear's explanation. They observed the empty, half-eaten bowls of porridge, the broken chairs, and Goldilocks sound asleep in Baby Bear's bed.

Papa Bear sighed and signed, "SHE (CL: bent-5) TIRED. WE (CL: 3-clawed handshape) WAIT." (NMM: raised eyebrows) They decided to let Goldilocks sleep and waited patiently until she woke up.

When Goldilocks finally opened her eyes, she was startled to see the three bears standing before her. She quickly signed, "SORRY." (NMM: raised eyebrows) Goldilocks apologized for intruding and promised to be more respectful in the future.

The bears, seeing Goldilocks' remorse, forgave her and signed, "IT'S OKAY." (NMM: gentle nod) They appreciated her apology and understood that accidents happen sometimes.

From that day forward, Goldilocks learned the importance of respecting others' belongings and personal space. The three bears continued to live peacefully in their cottage, and Goldilocks became a kind and considerate visitor to their forest home.