Can you write a poem about wanting someone to understand you, but nobody does no matter how hard you try?

1 answer

I long for someone to see,
The person that I long to be,
I try and try with every plea,
But nobody quite understands me.

I speak the words that fill my heart,
But they're met with silence from the start,
I feel so lost and torn apart,
As if I'm falling apart in the dark.

I wish that I could make them see,
The pain that lies inside of me,
But their judgment just continues to be,
A barrier that they won't let me break free.

My heart is heavy, my soul is tired,
All I ever wanted was to be admired,
But my efforts have been left uninspired,
As my hope and trust are slowly retired.

So here I stand, alone and mute,
My dreams and hopes left destitute,
Wishing that someone could attribute,
A sense of compassion or attribute.

But until then, I'll keep on trying,
Fighting a battle that seems never-ending,
For the chance of one soul in understanding,
And finally, my heart can start mending.