Can you translate the story below to Latin please?

Khloe and Kaylani

Khloe sees Kaylani.
Khloe yells: Hey!!
Kaylani turns around and yells: Yo!!
Khloe runs to Kaylani.
Kaylani reaches out for a hug.
Kaylani and Khloe walk across the street.
They’re going to a basketball game.
After 2 hours, the game is over.
Kaylani and Khole’s team won.
They laugh on their way to another friends house.
Khole, Kaylani, and the other friend watch a movie and laughs some more.

The End.

2 answers

No, I won't do your translation for you, but I will check your work once you give it a try.
Starr or Sunny or whoever,

If you don't have one, you should get yourself a very good Latin-English dictionary -- a real one, not an online one! The best one I've seen is in paperback (not terribly expensive) called The New College Latin & English Dictionary by John C. Traupman, published by Bantam Books. The whole first section explains and gives examples for pronunciation, grammar (nouns, pronouns, verbs), then an extensive Latin to English dictionary, and finally an English to Latin dictionary.