Can you think of something that is legal but unethical or something that is ethical but illegal? Describe what sort of moral and ethical values are in conflict: personal, societal or organizational?
which one is it i think it could be personal and social
7 answers
oops sorry i forgot to say what i chose... i chose abortion for legal but unethical so the moral and ethical values in conflict i think are personal and soietal, which is it/
I believe the values are more personal than societal.
how so? i mean i know it involves the woman but she is killing a person of society?
My belief is that the fetus that the woman aborts is not a person of society. To me, it's not a real person until it's born alive.
However, you can make an equally strong point about abortion being a societal issue.
Good people have been debating both sides of this issue since time immemorial.
However, you can make an equally strong point about abortion being a societal issue.
Good people have been debating both sides of this issue since time immemorial.
ok thank you i see your point and everyone is entitled to their opinions but i feel that while the fetus is growing inside the womb then it has then began to become a person. but you have your point and popinion and i have mine. thank you
You're welcome.
Here's one point in favor of abortion or lack of abortion is a societal problem: If a woman has a baby she doesn't want, then it becomes society's problem to raise this child.