Once upon a time, two students sat at a table. One was reading, and the other brought over two plates of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
The first student asked if peanut butter and jelly sandwiches were just for kids. The second student joked that they were a kid for life because they loved them! They both agreed that PB&J sandwiches were delicious, especially with cold milk.
But the first student said sometimes the jelly made the bread soggy. The second student thought that was true. The first student had a clever idea: to toast the bread first! They both took bites of their sandwiches, and the second student said it was really good.
Then, they talked about how they liked different things. The first student liked toasted sandwiches, while the second student preferred them un-toasted. They learned it's good to share opinions and see how they're different.
In the end, the first student was happy with her tasty toasted PB&J, and the second student realized they forgot the milk. So, off they went to get some!