Can you rewrite this?

Hermann van pels looked at the day’s post, peter van pels fetched the bread that was still in the office( The helpers left it for them). Otto frank was writing business letters on the typewriter, margot and anne did administrative chores and auguste van pels and edith frank were cooking dinner. Then after dinner, they read, talked or listen to the radio. Near around 9pm they are starting to prepare for the night. They moved pieces of furniture, for instance in the room of hermann and auguste van pels. Just like the morning, they take turns for using the bathroom. When the sun goes down, the blacked out the windows and them the secret annex went quiet.

1 answer

Hermann van Pels checked the mail, Peter van Pels retrieved the bread left by the helpers in the office, and Otto Frank was busy typing business letters. Margot and Anne completed administrative tasks while Auguste van Pels and Edith Frank cooked dinner. After eating, they would read, talk, or listen to the radio until around 9pm when they began preparing for bed. They rearranged furniture in the rooms, such as Hermann and Auguste van Pels'. Like in the morning, they took turns using the bathroom before blacking out the windows as the sun set, signaling the quiet beginning of the evening in the secret annex.