Can you proofread my essay on social media--what is it, good, and bad aspects of it.

Short Writing Assignment #1- Social Media
Did you know; 56% of Americans ranging from ages 12-65+ have a social media profile? Just 20 years or so ago no one had heard of sites like Facebook. Like all good stories, there’s always a good and bad side. The use of social media, such as: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and etc. all have influenced our lives whether positive or negative, mostly geared towards the usage of teenagers. There are many positive and negative benefits of using social media, such as: communication, beneficial to businesses, addiction, and what people post on the social media sites.
The positive benefits of social media include: communication and beneficial to businesses. Communication is the key. All we have to do is open our phone or computer, few keystrokes, and boom we are on our favorite social media sites. We can do that either by typing the site in the url on the Internet or by downloading the app. Next, most of the social media sites have a way you can send a message to someone either private or to everyone. We can communicate and keep in touch with our close relatives or friends we haven’t seen in a while. Another example is being able to interact online is important skill needed in most workplaces today especially jobs where you are in an office and have to be behind a computer at a desk. Businesses have turned to social media instead of the basic radio, tv commercials, and print ads to inform and persuade people. Why; because it’s more efficient to the millions of social media users and it’s free. The only cost is energy and time. These are just two of the main positive benefits of using social media.
The negative benefits of social media include: addiction and what people post on the sites. Many people get on the computer, for example, to do homework and then they say I’m check my Instagram for a few minutes to see if anyone liked my picture. Then moments later, they catch themselves still checking their Instagram and they forgot all about their homework. Secondly, people share photos on social media that contains violent, sexual, explicit content inappropriate for little kids and teenagers. It affects overall our society, because this is the reason why most crime related activities happen today. Not only the post of pictures, but I see people who post everything they do that day, every few minutes. For instance, a user of Facebook post on their status I’m going to eat at Taco Bell with my husband John, and daughter Connie at the location of 2772 West Street, Dallas, Texas. They just told everyone whose going with them, where they are going, and what they are going to do. Three things that’s easy for someone to come track or harm their family especially a killer. These are just two of the main negative benefits of using social media.
In conclusion, sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and etc. are examples of the most common social media sites people use today. There are the positive and negative benefactors of communication, beneficial to businesses, addiction, and what people post on the social media sites. Social media allows people to network between each other either through pictures or words in a post which can either affect you positively or negatively. Overall, in my opinion the positive outweighs the negative benefits.