Can you plz tell me some studying tips for math. How can i study math? is not like the other subject that i can just read through and memorize it. Math is hard to study because i know know how to study math when i have a upcoming test. Plz give me tips on how to study math and be good at it.

8 answers

Practice, practice, practice!
Practice? well ok, that's what i always do. Well ok then
You may also want to make flash cards of some of the formulas.

But traditionally, students worked a page or so of math every night for homework.

This is one of the best how-to-study websites around, I think. There are several of the lessons in here that will apply, in addition to Ms. Sue's excellent suggestions to do lots of practice and to make flashcards.

And don't forget about ... go here and click on Subjects at the top. From the drop-down menu, choose your general topic and then the more specific ones.
Oh thanks, that really helps - Flashcards is good, i will start doing that :)
I want to add one more suggestion to what my colleagues have offered.
You already know you can't memorize your way through math. The trick is to UNDERSTAND THE CONCEPT, understand the reasoning, understand the procedure. The more you really understand about math the less you will need to memorize. Do this in addition to flash cards and practice and the other tips and you can be the cream that rises to the top in your math class.
Thank you DrBob222 for the suggestions, i have a 80% as a final score right now in math and i want to go higher if i can :)