Can you please tell me if the following phrases are possible? I really don't know if the adjetives or the school equipment is correct.

1) intolerant of albinos.
2) It is better not to be very sensitive and not to take people's comments too hard (to get offended by people's comments?)
3) The protagonist is obsessed by/with (both possible?) the old man’s glassy eye.
3) He decides to kill him and tries to do it for 7 nights, but the old man always keeps his eye shut.
4) Three police officers arrive, called by a neighbour woken (synonym??) by the noise.
5) Correcting fluid or corrector fluid
a pair of compasses (plural), a sello tape, a glue stick.

1 answer

1. OK

2. I'd say, "... not to take other people's comments too personally."

3. Either one works, yes.

4. Use "awakened" not "woken"

5. White Out, correction fluid
"sello tape" = ?? (cellophane tape? Scotch Tape?)