Can you please summarise this for me? Women's rights have been enshrined in the constitution,but very little has changed in the lives of the majority of rural women in South Africa. A major stumbling block is the high level of illiteracy among rural women. Because they are not educated,they feel inferior and they do not speak up. Women also do not know what their rights are, and for this reason,they do not stand up for these rights. Without the financial means to support themselves and their families,women are often totally dependent on the males in the family. As long as women do not have some measure of financial independence,gender equality will only be a dream. Cultural practices,like the lobola system,degrade women by making them the property of the man. Men are often seen as the decision-makers in the family and women are expected to do the cooking and cleaning. Such attitudes keep women from fulfilling their rightful role in a democratic society. In elections,for example,many women vote for men from sheer habit. Some women have stated that men feel threatened by the granting of women's rights and this is one of the major causes for the increased violence against women. The lack of adequate amenities in the rural areas has a negative influence on the quality of life which women lead. They walk long distances to collect water and stand in a long queues. One lady says," I'm so tired after supplying my family with food, water and clothing that i don't have the energy to take part in the interesting community projects they have for women."

1 answer

Summarizing means that you include only the most important ideas and leave out the details. You should end up with 5 or 6 sentences.

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