Can you please review my essay about Brutus being the noblest Roman of them all. Marcus Brutus is one of Shakespeare’s most loved and admired characters. Brutus was a Senator of Rome and a friend of Julius Caesar. Brutus took a leading role in the assassination of his dear friend Julius Caesar. Being loyal, honorable, honest, intelligent and showing patriotism are characteristics of being noble. In the play, Julius Caesar, written by William Shakespeare Marcus Brutus shows these characteristics. Brutus is fit to be a leader because he is willing to do anything for Rome. Brutus, is in fact, the noblest Roman of them all, because he joined Cassius’ conspiracy, committed suicide and killed Julius Caesar, all for the sake of Rome and its citizens.

Marcus Brutus decided to join Cassius’ conspiracy against Julius Caesar after he realized that the Roman Republican government was in great danger. Brutus also feared that the citizens would live as slaves under Julius Caesar’s leadership. Most of the senators disliked Caesar except Brutus, he admits that he loved Caesar and how it was hard for him to kill Julius Caesar. If Brutus had joined the conspiracy out of jealousy of Julius Caesar and not out of his love for Rome he wouldn’t be the noblest Roman of them all because he would not be putting Rome first he would be putting his feelings first. Brutus was the only Senator who joined Cassius’ conspiracy out of his love for Rome while the other Senators joined out of jealousy of Julius Caesar. “This was the noblest Roman of them all/ All the conspirators save only he/ Did that they did in envy of great Caesar/ He only in a general honest thought/ And common good to all, made one of them/ His life was gentle, and the elements/ so mixed in him that Nature might stand up/ And say to all the world, “This was a man.” (5.5.73-80). This quote demonstrates that out of all the conspirators, Brutus was the only one to believe Caesar’s death was good for Rome and its citizens, while the other senators killed Julius Caesar out of envy for they feared that Julius Caesar would become too powerful. Brutus also feared that the citizens would live as slaves under Julius Caesar’s leadership. Most of the senators disliked Caesar except Brutus, he admits that he loved Caesar and how it was hard for him to kill Julius Caesar. If Brutus had joined the conspiracy out of jealousy of Julius Caesar and not out of his love for Rome he wouldn’t be the noblest Roman of them all.

According to Antony, even in death, Brutus was noble. Brutus committed suicide because he knew death was his punishment for killing the great Caesar and bringing Rome to ruin. After Julius Caesar’s death, Brutus says, “I have the same dagger for myself, when it shall/ please/ my country to need my death” (3.2.44-45). Brutus’ speech and actions prove that just as he is willing to kill Julius Caesar in cold blood to save Rome and its citizens he will gladly use that same dagger on himself if it will help Rome from being brought to ruin. This makes Brutus noble because he shows that he is committed to doing the right thing for Rome and that if he fails, he is willing to sacrifice his life which indeed he did.

Brutus killed Julius Caesar for Rome’s benefit because he was afraid that Caesar becoming king would give him too much power and use that he would it to cause great damage to the mighty Rome and its government. This relates to Brutus being the noblest Roman because he was the only Roman that cared deeply for Rome and would sacrifice everything for Rome and its citizens. “The gods do this in shame of cowardice/ Caesar should be a beast without a heart/ If he should stay at home today for fear/ No, Caesar shall not. Danger knows full well/ That Caesar is more dangerous than he/ We are two lions littered in one day, / And I the elder and more terrible. / And Caesar shall go forth” (2.2.41-48). In this quote, Julius Caesar is seen for his ambition. Julius Caesar is saying that he has no fear and will not be stopped. This is why Brutus killed Caesar, for his ambition and also feared that Caesar would cause great damage to Rome. Caesar’s quote also shows that he has lots of pride. Brutus forces himself to make the last stab in Julius Caesar’s heart, he says, “If/ then that friend demand why Brutus rose against/ Caesar, this is my answer: not that I loved Caesar/ less, but that I loved Rome more” (3.2.20-22). This quote shows that Brutus was truly noble as it proves he did it for the sake of Rome. Other Romans such as Cassius had other intentions and were jealous of Julius Caesar.

To conclude Marcus Brutus joining Cassius’ conspiracy, committing suicide and killing Julius Caesar all for the sake of Rome and its citizens is what makes Marcus Brutus noble. Brutus feared that Julius Caesar becoming king would bring the Roman Republican government in great danger therefore, he joined Cassius’ conspiracy against Julius Caesar. Brutus committed suicide because he felt guilty for killing Julius Caesar and felt that death should be his punishment for his crime. Brutus killed Julius Caesar for Rome’s benefit in order to save Rome and its citizens from being enslaved. Brutus was the only Roman willing to sacrifice everything for Rome and its citizens. If Brutus hadn’t done these things for Rome and its citizens, Rome would’ve been destroyed, therefore, Marcus Brutus is the noblest Roman of them all.

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