can you please help me with this question, i'm completely lost.

talia's uncle owns a warehouse and he has given Talia an area in which to store the computer supplies for his company. her uncle gave Talia 40 m of rope and told her to section off a rectangular area in a corner of the warehouse. conduct an investigation to determine the greatest area that Talia can rope off.

please help me!! please!!!

4 answers

A square would measure 20 meters on each side -- for an area of 400 square meters.

A rectangle that's 10 by 30 would give an area of 300 square meters.
If you assume that two sides of the area are bordered by walls and the other two sides by rope, the above would be correct.

However, for the square to use 40 m of rope, it would have 10 m on each of the four sides, giving an area of 100 sq. m.

For the rectangle, a rectangle could be 5x15 m (5+5+15+15), giving 75 sq m. of area.

I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.
How about the triangle formed by the wall and the rope giving the hypotenuse? Ms Sue

The greatest area, 400 m2, is enclosed when
the length and width are each 20 m.