Can you please help me rephrase these sentences? They sometimes don't seem to make sense at all.
1) Canterbury Tales is structured as a series of interlinked stories and is prefaced by a General Prologue.
2)The pilgrims are described in (??) their skills and in their physical aspect by a narrator which is Chaucer himself.
3)The journey started (starts) in the Tabard Inn, a place in London when Chucer meets 29 pilgrims in order to vitis the shrine of Thomas Becket.
4)The host of the tavern after listening to them (???) suggested a challenge.
5)During the journey ever pilgrim had to invent four stories each (?): two on the way to Canterbury and two on the way back. The best story would win something (would be awarded/given a prize)
6)Your paragraphs lack accuracy and contain several grammar and spelling mistakes.
7) The English Renaissance was characterized by a new conception of divine hierarchy (??? the universe), thought like a chain where God was at the top and the inanimate object at the end (at the bottom).
8) During this period (at that time) the universe was conceived in constant movement like a cosmic dance, ruled by God's will, where men were always in a fight (???) between reason and faith.
1 answer
2)The pilgrims' looks and characters are described by a narrator who is Chaucer himself.
3)The journey starts in the Tabard Inn, a place in London where Chucer meets twenty-nine pilgrims who are also traveling to visit the shrine of Thomas Becket.
4)After listening to the pilgrims, the host of the tavern suggested a challenge.
5) During the journey, each pilgrim had to invent four stories: two on the way to Canterbury and two on the way back. The best story would win a prize.
6) OK
7) The English Renaissance was characterized by a new concept of divine hierarchy, similar to a chain in which God was at the top and the inanimate objects at the bottom.
8) During this time, the universe was thought to be in constant movement like a cosmic dance, ruled by God's will, in which mankind was always in a fight between reason and faith.