Can you please help me out with a speech?

I'm in 10th grade at High School and we're doing speeches soon. I'm not lazy and trying to get someone to write a speech for me but I seriously suck at speeches and have no idea what to write or talk about. Can you please write me a speech on "learning from mistakes" or "adults just don't understand teenagers". It has to be 3mins long. Please don't use hard words. Make it easy to say. Please I really need someone to help me with this.
Or you could give me some ideas/facts instead of writing me a whole speech.


2 answers

It's like writing a good paper, but needs to be more concise in some ways. There are some excellent ideas in the following sites:

How to Write a Speech | How to Write a Speech. Writing a speech is in many ways like writing a paper, except that there is no penalty for spelling and punctuation ...

How to Write a Speech Guidelines on how to write a speech. Step by step , plus a summary checklist.
One aspect of writing a speech is to get information on the topic. Here is an article on your first topic.

Here issome information on your second topic.

I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.