Can you please help me in better understanding these different types of business'?
o Joint-stock company
o Limited liability company
o Partnership
o Sole proprietorship
For this assignment...
Describe a business scenario, either real or fictional, that depicts each of the following
forms of business organization: See above.
3 answers
Maybe you misunderstood me, I was looking for help to better understand the concept of them. Our assignment gave huge definitions for each. It is not difficult to search the internet in return you may get 100 different answers for each. I was hoping this forum would help to assist in me completing an assignment. I thank you for the time you took in responding. It is kind of disheartening when I look and see others get real assistance and I get "It looks as if what you need to do is learn how to conduct thorough and effective searches for yourself." How do you think I found this site...I searched. One last point No time to go to the library when I leave for work at 8am and usually get home at 8pm. I also have a family. The reason I posted the assignment criteria was so not that you would answer the assignment but understand I was searching for better definitions that I could more easily understand. Perhaps you should read questions more thoroughly before jumping to conclusions.
wow... if this site isn;t a bunch of bs I don't know what is. "let me teach you on how to search the web" Yes... cause that might help with this question about BUSINESS - if you don;t know the answer or how to help just say you don;t know how to help.
Well what do you expect when you try and plagiarize an assignment online? You are mad because the assistant told you exactly what you teacher would have told you.