can you please help me -- I need a sentence using the word - cupidity

I know that it means GREED...but i do not have a clear understading of the word and need please a more indepth definition of the word.

An intense desire to have something...almost like a "lust."

This is an excellent website to use as an online dictionary because you get many results, not just from one dictionary.


After reading the negative review, the director raged that the paper had sent a philistine to see her play

Many of my friends have such a cupidity way of thinking.

Cupidity is a noun and m used it as an adjective in the above sentence.

How about --
Scrooge was noted for his cupidity and mean spirit.

His cupidity was portryed when he took all the candy for himself.

1 answer

I need a vocabulary word that means a lot of power and starts with a "s" and ends with a "l".