Can you please help me formulate these questions better? Thank you very much.
1)Whose point of view is adopted? Eveline's. What kind of technique is adopted to give voice to Eveline's thoughts? Free indirect thoughts.
Where can I find a good definition of "free indirect thoughts"?
2)What kind of programme did the USA devise to help European countries recover after the second World War?
3) What made Roosevelt’s new Deal successful? How did Roosevelt succeed in recoveIn 1932 Franklin Delano Roosevelt became president and promised the Americans a New Deal of reforms.
4) The three main aims were relief, recovery and reform. The government spent thousands of millions of dollars to set people to work on jobs that were useful to the community, such as the building of new roads, schools, hospitals, a network of dams to produce electricity and stop floods in agricultural areas.
5) However, R’s New Deal wouldn’t have been successful, if a new world conflict hadn’t broken out giving American factories a new impulse.ring American economy?
2 answers
Where can I find a good definition of "free indirect thoughts"?
2) What programme did the USA devise to help European countries recover after the second World War?
3) What made Roosevelt’s new Deal successful? How did Roosevelt succeed in recove <~~UNFINISHED?
In 1932 Franklin Delano Roosevelt became president and promised the Americans a New Deal of reforms.
4) The three main aims were relief, recovery, and reform. The government spent millions of dollars to get people to work on jobs that were useful to the community, such as the building of new roads, schools, hospitals, and a network of dams to produce electricity and stop floods in agricultural areas.
5) However, R’s New Deal wouldn’t have been successful if a new world conflict hadn’t broken out giving American factories a new impulse.
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