Can you please help me check the grammar in the following sentences and tell me if the alternatives in brackets are possible? Thank you very much in advance.
1)The island is the ideal place for Robinson to prove his qualities and to organize a primitive empire, thus becoming (turning into) the prototype of the English colonizer.
2)The novel had to be understood by all men (better: by everyone), even by less well educated readers ( can you say “the less well educated/ the least well educated readers)
3)Defoe’s novels (can you say the novels of Defoe OR by Defoe?) are fictional autobiographies.
4)The poor had no political rights (didn’t have any political rights)
5)Do not use (or drop?) the definite article in front of abstract nouns such as nature or society.
6) Do not write so many co-ordinative clauses. Make them into different sentences using a suitable sentence connector. (Can you say that?)
1 answer
2. The novel had to be understood by everyone, even by less educated people.
3, 4, and 5. Fine; omit wording in parentheses.
6. Doesn't make sense. If you make clauses into different sentences, you won't need any sentence connectors! If you make them into compound or complex sentences, you need conjunctions to connect the clauses (sentences).