Can you please check these sentences?
Thank you very much in advance and Merry Christmas!
1) The Key-Note begins with an extended description of Coketown, the fictional setting for the novel, which is based on Preston, now part of greater Manchester, where Dickens went in 1953 to report on a long-standing strike and gather material for a novel about the industrial system he abhorred.
2) The opening sentence introduces a comparison between Mrs Gradgrind and Coketown. Dickens suggests that Coketown shares similarities with Mrs Gradgrind, who, as her name indicates, is uncompassionate and callous.
3) The description opens with “It was a town of red brick” which suggests that it was quite a modern town, as “red brick” was a popular construction material in Victorian times. “The red brick” also conveys a colourful image of Coketown although Dickens continues to explain how pollution blackens the appearance of Coketown and impacts upon the health of its inhabitants.
4) He wants his audience to realise that it is industry that is responsible for the dull appearance and atmosphere of the town. “Coketown” was a town of red brick blackened by industrial pollution
1 answer
In sentence 3, I'd change "impacts upon" to "negatively affects" ...
In sentence 4, I'd remove the quotation marks around the word Coketown.