Can you please check these sentences I'm not sure of?

Thank you very much.

1) A white man asked Rosa Parks to give up her seat to him/to get up because he wanted her seat/to stand up-
Which ones are best?
2) The boycot would have been a success, if Rosa Parks hadn't refused to give up her seat to a white man.
3) The Civil Rights Movement was a non-violent organization, which fought for civil rights and equality for black people.
4) Martin Luther King campaigned against segregation laws.
In the famous speech he gave (held/made)
5) He believed that people should be discriminated against on the basis of the color of their skin. He wished there would be a day in which people wouldn't be judged by the color of ther skin but by the content of their character.
6) Five years later Martin Luther King was dead (is the same as "died"?)
The Civil Rights Act was passed in 1964, which protected black people discrimination and in 1969 schools were desegregated.
7) I use the net to do (carry out) school research, look up information I need for school and keep up to date on what happens in the world.

1 answer

Choose the five ....