Can you please check these sentences for me? Thank you.
1)The pilgrims start their pilgrimage at/from Tabard Inn, a place linked with pleasure and go towards the Cathedral of Canterbury, the celestial city of God.
2) You limited yourself to reporting what on the photocopy without changing any single word.
3)The plants contain a powerful liquid, that (which?) makes the flowers sprout.
(But: such a powerful liquid that it makes ?)
4)There is another personification when in his half course refers to the young sun.
5) The journey is the symbol of the course of human life.
6)As a matter of fact, the point of departure, the inn, is the symbol of the worldy pleasures whereas the destination is holy and is the metaphor of the celestial city.
The wind is said to bring nature back to life.
7) I can't check this sentence: "The ram's figure becomes the symbol of the strongest sun of March and April?"
1 answer
2) You limited yourself to reporting what is in the photocopy without changing any words.
3)The plants contain a powerful liquid that makes the flowers sprout.
4)There is another personification when "in his half course" refers to the young sun.
5) The journey is the symbol of the course of human life.
6)As a matter of fact, the point of departure, the inn, is the symbol of the worldy pleasures, whereas the destination is holy and is the metaphor of the celestial city.
The wind is said to bring nature back to life.
7) The ram becomes the symbol of the strongest sun of March and April.
Where did this come from? I'm not sure of the reference except for maybe a horoscope.