Can you please check these sentences for me, please? Thank you very much.
1) The word Victorian derives from Queen Victoria, who ruled constitutionally for more than half a century, from 1837 to 1901.
2) The Victoria Age was a complex area characterized, on the one hand, by stability, inventions and great social reforms, and on the other, by poverty, injustice and social unrest.
3) The movement of Empiricism, whose major figure was John Stuard Mill, thought that progress came from mental energy, and therefore gave great importance to education and art. 4) He also promoted many reforms, such as the causes of popular education and the emancipation of women.
5) Dr Hyde is much smaller and uglier than Dr Jekyll, his alter ego. He stands for pure evil, is pale and dwarfish. His hands are dark and hairy and he gives an impression of fedormity.
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