Can you please check these sentences for me, please? I rephrased the beginning of "The talented Mr Ripley".

1)The scene is set at the seaside on a small motor boat. Dickie, the son of a millionaire, is excited at the idea of going for a ride offshore.
2) The boatkeeper asks him if he can ride the boat and he says yes(how can I rephrase it?). He takes the tiller and heads out to the open sea.
3) He is thrilled and cheerful though he doesn't know which direction to go (?). Tom, on the other hand, is thoughtful and meditates upon which direction it is better to go.
4)He asks him if he knows the land around there and if it is hard to steer the boat.Dickie replies that it doesn't matter where they are directed and invites him to steer the boat himself.
5)Dickie enjoys the ride and the emptiness surrounding them.
All of a sudden, Dickie swerves to the right and they both have to lower their body (" they both hd to duck and lean) to keep the boat righted.
6) Dickie increases speed (?) and is thrilled by the experience. In contrast (?), Tom is hesitating and terrified that something might happen to the boat.
7) Tom evaluates the distance from the shore and realises that nobody could see what is going on the boat from the distance.
8) The reader begins to realize that he is planning Dickie's murder. He knows he can hit Dickie, spring on him or throw him overboard without being seen.

1 answer

1)The scene is at the seaside on a small motor boat. Dickie, the son of a millionaire, is excited at the idea of going for a ride offshore.

2) The boatkeeper asks him if he can handle the boat, and he says yes. He takes the tiller and heads out to the open sea.

3) He is thrilled and cheerful though he doesn't know which direction to go. Tom, on the other hand, is thoughtful and meditates upon which direction it is better to go.

4)He asks him<~~Who asks whom?? if he<~~who? knows the land around there and if it is hard to steer the boat. Dickie replies that it doesn't matter where they are headed and invites him<~~who? to steer the boat himself.

5)Dickie enjoys the ride and the emptiness surrounding them. All of a sudden, Dickie swerves to the right, and they both have to shift their weight to keep the boat righted.

6) Dickie speeds up and is thrilled by the experience. In contrast, Tom is hesitant and terrified that something bad will happen to the boat.

7) Tom evaluates the distance from the shore and realises that nobody can see what is going on at that distance.

8) The reader begins to realize that he<~~who? is planning Dickie's murder. He<~~who? knows he<~~who? can hit Dickie, jump on him, and throw him overboard without being seen.

Compare these sentences with yours to catch all the changes.