Can you please check the following sentences for me?

1)The mirror compares itsself to a lake. A woman bends over it so see what she is really like. The mirror is important to her.She is addicted (?) to it to the point that she's searching for what she really is in the mirror, despite the fact that the mirror is cruel and blunt. (to rephrase: "A woman bent over me searching my reaches for what she really is").
2)The young woman is now growing old and the ageing process is turning into a frightening experience to her. (to rephrase :"In me she has drowned a young girl, and in me an old woman rises toward her day after day, like a terrible fish".
How would you rephrase "drowned"?

1 answer

1. itself (only one s); space after the end of the second sentence; what is "it"?

2. comma after "old"; aging (no e). In this context, "drowned" could mean killed or murdered even.