1) The Elizabethan theatre was a circular or octagonal wooden structure.
2) In the middle of the theatre, there was a pit, open to the sky. In it, there was the apron stage, the main stage, raised about five feet from the ground.
3) At the back of the main stage, there was a smaller one, called inner stage, used for smaller scenes. About the former, there was the so-called upper stage, used by musicians or actors for particular scenes.
4) There was very little scenery, which consisted of symbolic objects.
5) All of the actors were males who gathered in acting companies.
Can you please check the following five sentences? Thank you very much in advance.
1) The Elizabethan theatre had a circulal or octagonal wooden structure. 2) In the middle of which there was a pit opened to the sky. In it, there was the apron stage, the main one, raised about five feet from the ground.
3) At the back of it, there was a smaller one, called inner stage, used for smaller scenes. About the former. there was the so-called upper stage, used by musicians or actors for pecualiar scenes.
4) The scenery was very little and was made of symbolic objects.
5) All of the actors were male and gathered in acting companies.
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