Can you please check if these sentences on clothes' description are possible? Thank you very much in advance.

1)He is wearing a pair of straight-leg beige corduroy trousers with pockets on both sides.
2) He is wearing a long-sleeved cotton polo sweatshirt (or T-shirt?) with a slogan in the front and one in the back.
3) How do you call a T-shirt with a collar that is half button-up? A polo T-shirt?
4)Does "boot-cut" mean the same as "flared"?
5)She's got a pony tail and a patterned hair-band over her head. She is also wearing two necklaces and different bracelets on her wrists.
6) She is also wearing (can you tell me a synonym?) a zip-up leather jacket over a red hooded mesh(or fishnet sweatshirt?).
7) She is wearing make-up on her eyes (her eyes are made-up??? is it possible?)
8)She has her hair tied back with a hair clip (or barrette?. She is typing data into her computer.She is wearing red nailvarnish on her nails.
9)She wears her dyed red hair tied back in (?) a pony tail.She is pointing at a Ferris wheel.
10)She always wears a white sleeveless T-shirt (or a vest?) over a black T-shirt and tracksuit bottoms (?) underneath.
11) He is carrying a backback on (?) his back.
12) They are practising ballet dancing.
They are wearing a black body and (or over?) a pair of sheer tights.
13) How do you call a sweatsuit/tracksuit consisting of a vest and a pair of short you use for jogging, running or cycling?

3 answers

You don't have to be really specific on evry number You could just say he's wearing....(Number one looks good)

For number 2 you say that he is wearing a "long sleeved cotton polo" You cold just say he is wearing a long sleeved cotton polo shirt. Don't include the T.

What do you call a T-shirt that has a collar which is half buttoned up?

For #7 just stick with your normal sentence.

I made a few corrections. I'll come back this later.
Sorry for #7 it is good to be specific, so you should say what she's actually wearing on her eyes. Like mascara, eyeshadow.

You could just say she has some eye makeup on.
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