Can you make this sound like me? Branch... from the old root: This new growth refers to the continuity of David's royal family line despite its virtual cessation during the Exile. The new growth from the old roots would not be like the former frail and unjust descendants of David. Jesus, the Messiah, is the final fulfillment. The Spirit of the Lord will rest on the Messiah. The succession of David's line is guaranteed by the spirit. The Messiah's coming would bring justice and righteousness, peace, and the extension of the Kingdom to the nations. The promised Messiah would have great wisdom and understanding, like Solomon, as well as knowledge and the fear of the Lord. The spirit of counsel and might alludes to 9:6. The Messiah will be full of wisdom and will have the power to execute his righteous rule. The poor and the exploited would receive the justice due to them, which the wicked leaders of Judah had previously withheld. By the righteous character of the Messiah, his reign will be characterized by justice, righteousness, and truth, in contrast to the conditions of Jerusalem described in 1:21.
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